Riverside Drive Road Resurfacing


Riverside Drive, the road (not the residents),  is showing its age. The pavement is regularly torn up and patched for various reasons, including:

1. New home construction connection to water/sewage lines
2. Replacing sections of gas lines.
3. GVRD and DNV water mains run underneath. The water mains spring leaks regularly at various locations and require patches.

How many patches can be applied before the resurfacing is required? 

 Related Issues

1) Sidewalks. Proper sidewalks could be installed when the road is re-done in a more cost effective manner than if done standalone.

2) Water main replacement. The District is planning to replace the water main the entire length of the Drive. It would be cost effective to resurface at the same time. But what if the water replacement is postponed again and again ....


February 2003.  Water departments current plan of record with respect to water main replacement - the year 2006 .  Watermain Letter.