Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting

Dec. 16, 2003

1857 Riverside Drive.

Meeting called to order 7:40 p.m. Michele Payne, Bob Charlton, Phil Holland, Bill Maurer, Willy Schuurman and Ken Reid in attendance

1. Acceptance of Nov 19th Minutes. Moved by Phil; seconded by Bob; accepted unanimously.

2. Business arising from the Minutes: a) Budget: Bill reported no feedback as yet; he is attempting to make contact. b) Lynnmour Inter-River Plan Contact for SVCA Board: Due to an apparent mix-up no one had initiated contact, Bill to follow up a.s.a.p.

3. Cemetery Landfill Rock-crusher: After more emails and probing by Bill, it appears we have reached an understanding that the rock-crusher will not be used after December, and that the commercial operation at the site has ceased. Bill will ask the District to summarize this understanding in a final email.

4. DNV Financial Plan 2004-2008: Bill reported on his attendance at this meeting where his speech was well received. He represented the only community association there, as it was mostly sports groups attending. He believes the SVCA may be used as a pilot program for his idea of having a specific financial contact for Community Associations.

5. Seymour Local Plan: Bill attended the Council meeting for the final reading. Councilors Muri and Crist were for acceptance, but Nixon was very antagonistic, suggesting the process had been hi-jacked, which offended the long-serving committee members. In the end, it was deferred again, in order to get more info on density adjustment of the CMHC lands.

6. Red-Light Warning Signal: Michele confirmed the District Traffic and Safety meeting on Dec.17th and produced the agenda and the report on Crash statistics and volume data for Mt. Seymour Parkway and Riverside Drive. Unfortunately, no one is now able to attend this meeting, so Michele will submit some comments to Dan Mooney on behalf of the SVCA.

7. Entrance Sign: Bill is making contact with Rick Danyluk, as a financial contact with the Planning Dept. to try to move this joint proposal forward.

8. Sidewalk Committee: Bob read the "no can do" totally negative response from Mike Frisk and Rory Chilton, even to our suggestion of keeping the vegetation cleared on District easements. Ken to schedule a new meeting to pursue the political angle with regard to the levy on tax-payers, which has not been fulfilled. Willy will research the definition of "local" and "collector" roads to assist us.

9. Newsletter/ AGM: Willy had final format prepared. Michele made last grammatical corrections. Michele will write a blurb on the Warning Signal. Bill to finalize AGM date with Jaycee House. Also, Bill to check Land Registry website for address update, and forward to Phil. Phil will print newsletter and envelopes over Christmas, and contact us for help with stuffing if needed. Mailing in early January.

10. Next meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 27th, 7:30 p.m. at Bill's, 23 -- Riverside Drive.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.