Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting
Nov. 19, 2003
2315 Riverside Dr.
Meeting called to order 7:50 p.m. Michele Payne, Bob Charlton, Phil Holland, and Bill Maurer in attendance. Absent: Willy Schuurman and Ken Reid
1. Acceptance of Oct 15th Minutes. Moved by Phil, seconded by Bob, accepted unanimously as amended.
2. Business arising from the Minutes: a) Budget: Bill sent a 3 page document with pictures via email today. It is now in 3 Sections; outstanding, new and completed items with explanations.
3. Rock-crusher: Willy had requested clarification of the District's position on the site. Don Sigston replied via email saying, "We view that since the City has been filling this portion of its Cemetery site for the last thirty years +/- to bring the site to a level that is suitable for cemetery use that they are compliant, so long as there are no other uses undertaken on the site except for uses intrinsic to bringing the site to its final topographic level. To the best of our knowledge the City is complying with this. They may however, contract with whomever they wish to carry on with their fill and grading requirements." Apparently they have flip-flopped.
4. Lynnmour Inter-River Plan: Bill or Bob? will make contact with a person who worked on this plan who lives on Seymour Blvd. as Willy suggested he would be good to have on the SVCA Board.
5. Traffic Committee: Nothing to report; committee is not meeting currently.
6. Red-Light Warning Signal: There will be a District Traffic and Safety meeting on Dec.17th. Bob and Phil will try to attend to push for the Red-light warning signal on westbound Mt. Seymour Pkwy. Michele to confirm time and location with Dan Mooney and request that a copy of the counter report be made ready for the SVCA at that meeting.
7. Entrance Sign: Bill to send email proposal now suggesting that we will strike a residents work party in the early spring and supply the materials to build the frame for the sign, if the District will have the sign itself made.
8. Sidewalk Committee: Bob has sent the letter to the Mayor with pictures on Oct. 20th. No response yet. Bob will follow up requesting a response. A hard copy was given to Michele for Records Book.
9. Riverside Terrace: No movement on SLP; nothing to report. 10. Joint Community Association Meetings: There will be no meetings now until next year. 11. Bear Sightings: None to report; hibernation beginning now.
12. Newsletter/ AGM: Bill will ask Willy if he can be the editor this time. It was decided that one in January is enough, as long as it is out 30 days before the AGM. Bill will again try to secure the Jaycee Hall for Feb. 12th, 11th or 10th. All articles for the newsletter should be sent to Directors for proof-reading prior to Dec. 15th. Any changes to Willy for editing and arranging, so that printing and assembly can occur in the last 2 weeks of December for mailing in the 1st week of January.
11. New Business: Riverside Drive is a mess due to gas line work; Phil to query District on repaving plan.
12. Next meeting: Tuesday, Dec. 16th, 7:30 p.m. at Bob's, 1857 Riverside Drive.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.