Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting
Oct. 15, 2003
2298 Chapman Way
Meeting called to order 7:30 p.m. Michele Payne, Bob Charlton, Willy Schuurman, Phil Holland, Ken Reid and Bill Maurer in attendance.
1. Acceptance of Minutes for Sept. 16th. Moved by Phil, seconded by Bill. Accepted unanimously.
2. Business arising from the Minutes:
a) Budget Renewal: Bill went through list, deleting some items achieved or no longer requested. Bob to write blurb for Sidewalks-related items and possibly consolidate these; Willy to write blurb on the Berkley connector lighting; Bill to complete signage blurbs, and indicate that these are the second year on the budget request. Bill to submit a.s.a.p.
b) Lynnmour Inter-river Plan: Willy had reviewed the draft and made these five observations:
i) Traffic - new access envisioned south of Cap College, and extending Monashee Road, to open up area for development.
ii) Cyclists/Pedestrians - access improvements needed around Superstore and Fern St. in cooperation with Translink and First Nations.
iii) Community Identity - is lacking due to the segmented nature of this area.
iv) Trails - consultations on opening up the old trail between Seymour Blvd. and Baden Powell (up the westside of the Seymour River.)
v) Housing - areas for growth include the Lynnmour School flats for duplex, multifamily and Lillooet Rd. below College, though resistance is anticipated to keep it treed. Seniors independent housing was discouraged due to lack of support services in the area. Partial cemetery rezoning considered to possible comprehensive development, public assembly and institutional use. This is significant to the SVCA and should be monitored.
c) Pool 88 Gate: Michele reported it has been opened for the winter season.
3. Rock-crusher: Michele sent a letter to Brent Mahood refuting his claims of reduced machinery use and noise. Mahood responded with a letter primarily arguing semantics. Phil questioned the apparent grand-fathering tactics, and suggested we pursue that angle. Willy will email Gordon Ferguson to inquire when his report is going to Council. Willy to check Fisheries rules with regard to the site's proximity to the river. Willy and Michele to continue the pressure to stop this landfill use.
4. Red-Light Warning Signal Request: Bob indicated he did not receive the Pkwy/Riverside intersection crash data. Michele to contact Dan Mooney to obtain the traffic counters data from the recent use on Mt. Seymour Pkwy. just west of Riverside Drive. Michele to forward all data to Bob for his pursuit of the warning signal request.
6. Sidewalk Committee: Ken drafted letter to Mayor which was to be revised and finalized by this meeting. Some suggestions made, Bob to send.
7. SLP, Riverside Terrace, Joint Community Association Meetings, and Entrance Sign: Bill had nothing new to report.
8. Bear Sightings: Several sightings by residents on Chapman and Riverside. No incidents.
9. Seymour Water Main #5: Willy noted that the new main will be tunneled under the river just north of the Parkway. Discussions of water supply issues after this summer's drought ongoing, but increasing the height of the Seymour Dam is many years away. Willy to inquire about the markings on upper Riverside Drive to determine if water main repairs are imminent.
10. Newsletter: A newsletter will be mailed out in early December. Each director to write an update on items he/she is involved with. Willy to write about how residents can easily access the District website for information. There should also be by-law information and the AGM announcement. All drafts to be brought to next meeting for editing and compiling the newsletter.
11. New Business: None.
12. Next meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 7:30 p.m. at Phil's, 2305 Riverside Drive.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.