Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting
September 16, 2003
1916 Rivergrove Place
Meeting called to order 8:10 p.m. Bill Maurer, Michele Payne, Bob Charlton, Willy Schuurman, Phil Holland in attendance. Ken Reid arrived about 9:00 p.m.
1. Acceptance of Minutes for May 6th. Bob corrected the "request" for the search under item 8 Sidewalks Committee. The Minutes were accepted as amended. It was also agreed to move the Sidewalks Agenda item to later when Ken would be present.
2. Budget Renewal: Bill indicated it was the time of year to send in our Budgeting requests (wish list) again. This time some embellishment in the way of short explanations might be better. Bill to send out list, any director to add comments to any item, prior to Bill resubmitting the document to Irwin Torry.
3. Rock-crusher: The noise has continued unabated through the summer, sometimes for long portions of the day. Willy has received a written response from the City, and an email from the District (Gordon Ferguson) to his letter documenting the process to date. Willy will scan and send these two responses to all directors. Ferguson will be making a report to council with recommendations. Willy will watch for this on Council Agendas and will notify all concerned so that a presentation can be made at that time.
4. Red-Light Warning Signal Request: Our request was turned down, although the District says they will make some minor improvements. It was agreed that the Board should take over this issue as the Traffic Committee is not scheduled to meet yet. Michele will scan the response letter and send it with the ICBC data to all directors. Bob will pursue this with follow up correspondence.
5. Entrance Sign: Bill is still obtaining information from Grant in regard to costs. Bill will re-highlight this item on the Budget request and attempt to re-start this process so that we do not miss out at the end of the year like last year.
6. Sidewalk Committee: Ken reported that the search for past promises was mainly fruitless. However he was successful after a couple of calls to have the two large tow-trucks no longer parking on the Riverside Drive. The next Sidewalks Committee meeting will be held 7:00p.m., on Sept. 23rd at Ken's.
7. SLP: September 30th is the next (and hopefully last) Public Hearing on the Seymour Local Plan. Any or all directors please attend. It was agreed that Barb Murray does not need to be officially sanctioned as our representative on the SLP committee as it is now winding down. However, a representative from each association should be on any subsequent monitoring committee that is struck.
8. Riverside Terrace: The owners have indicated they have changed their plans to residential but will wait for the results of the SLP. They would like to continue contact with the SVCA.
9. Joint Community Association Meetings: We missed the last one, but Bill will make sure he is apprised of the next date. This is to facilitate mutual efforts affecting Blueridge, Seymour, and the SVCA.
10. Parking on Mt. Seymour Pkwy: The No Parking at the curve does not seem to have impacted negatively further up on residential Riverside Drive. The Chuckwagon service seems to work well, too.
11. Newsletter: It was agreed to report again towards the end of the year. 12. New Business: Bill brought correspondence received over the summer. a) March 2003 letter on reporting requirements for registered Community Associations. Michele will follow up to ensure we are in compliance. b) July 2003 Subdivision proposal at 1787 Riverside Drive. No response was sent. c) Draft of the Lynnmour Inter-River Plan was received. Since some of our area falls with in it, Willy will review to see if any response is required. d) August 2003 Variance request for Addition at 2124 Chapman Way. Bill has emailed no objection from the SVCA. e) September 2003 Grants for the Arts Program information. It was agreed to file this one.
13. Pool 88 Gate Key: Michele reported that she has obtained two keys for the SVCA. One is in her possession and one is with Vic and Tina Mahood at 2266 Riverside Drive. These keys are for us to assist the Police and Fire for emergency access only. The District has also asked our opinion of the canoe club getting a key. We have opposed this as the request does not appear genuine, and the gate will be opened in 2 weeks. Also, the District key has been cut off or removed twice this summer. Currently an unidentified lock is on the gate, which will be removed. Ron Payne will pursue better lock protection options with Rory Chilton at the District.
Next meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 15th, 7:30 p.m. at Michele's, 2298 Chapman Way.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
**PLEASE NOTE: 1. Any action required by a director is in italics. 2. Items for next agenda should be forwarded to Bob by Oct.5th.
Thank you.