Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting

  May 6, 2003

1554 Riverside Drive  

Meeting called to order 7:40 p.m. Bill Maurer, Michele Payne, Ken Reid, Bob Charlton, Willy Schuurman in attendance. AWOL: Phil Holland

1. Acceptance of Minutes. For March 5th Moved: Bob Second: Michele Carried unanimously.
Note: the April 3rd meeting was postponed to this date.

2. Connector Path Crosswalk: Willy has made the request; the process will start to grind slowly. Lighting is more of a funding issue and will definitely be relegated to the back-burner.

3. LSCR Usage Survey: Willy has tabulated and presented the results. The lowest scorers for appropriate uses were off-leash dog walking and target shooting as expected. The results will be forwarded to the recreational authorities.

4. Rock-crusher: In response to our third letter, Bill had a call today from Don Sigstrom, N.V. District Regulatory Services and Brent Mahood from the City of N.V. They are hoping that the entire landfill is not the problem, and they seem to want to buy another 4 - 6 months to assess the situation, and do decibel measuring etc. Bill will tell them to contact Michele (or Ron) Payne and Willy. Overall the group believes they have had too much time and are not truly addressing the noise problem or the zoning infractions.

5. Traffic Committee: Michele has made a Community Speed Watch sign with logo and 2 smaller "Please Slow Down / Thank You" signs to support the program. Ann Solheim will be the coordinator of safety vests, cones, signs, radar gun, and volunteers. This should be up and running by the end of May. Unfortunately, the radar gun donated to the SVCA does not work at all, so the team will be borrowing Steve's equipment.

6. Red-Light Warning Signal: Bill received a response from the District saying we did not fit the criteria. This did not seem to be correct, but Michele will take it up with the Traffic Committee.

7. Entrance Sign: Bill reported he had made no more progress. Disappointment was again expressed at the seeming loss of this project. Bill again said he would get the quote for comparison if someone else would spearhead it. Bob will await this quote before reorganizing this project.

8. Sidewalk Committee: Ken reported that a meeting was held on March 11th. Phil will investigate sidewalk maintenance standards; Ken and Bob requested a search of the Council Minutes for references to promises for one or two-sides, but could not find the appropriate information. They will be putting together a report once Phil is finished his research.

9. SLP: On April 22, Council passed the 1st reading of the SLP- Option 1 - which is not to exclude the CMHC lands from the low-growth plan. There is a meeting May 13th which members from the 3 Associations (Blueridge, Seymour, and Seymour Valley) will be attending to discuss strategy for the Public Hearing in June.

10. Riverside Terrace: The owners would like to meet with us again, but Bill has postponed that until we can include members of the SLP and Blueridge groups. He would like Barb Murray to be the SVCA representative of the SLP Committee. It was agreed that he should make her aware of the parameters and ask her if she is willing to represent us and our views of the development.

11. Subdivisions: Willy sent out old surveys via email showing that the property a t 1458 Riverside was subdivided many years ago, as was most of the area, so there is little we can do to stop inappropriate in-fill development.

12. New Business: Several members have raised the issue of the two tow-trucks parked for long periods in the 1300 block. Due to the narrowness of the road and the curve, they are a nuisance and at night without lighting are quite a hazard. Willy will check by-laws, and Ken will follow up with a call or letter to Gordon Ferguson.

Next meeting: Wednesday, June 11th, 7:30 p.m. at Willy's, 1916 Rivergrove Place.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

**PLEASE NOTE: Items for next agenda should be forwarded to Bob by June 4th. Thank you.