Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting
January 8, 2003
1554 Riverside Drive
Meeting called to order 7:50 p.m. Bill Maurer, Michele Payne, Ken Reid, Bob Charlton in attendance.
Absent: Harry McGucken, Sher Sacks, Phil Holland absent.
1. Acceptance of Minutes. Moved: Ken Second: Bob Carried unanimously.
2. AGM and BY-LAWS: Bill said that Jaycee House appears to be the best venue for the AGM, and is awaiting confirmation on a date and price. Action: Bill to finalize AGM date. Bill to send file copy of By-laws to Michele who will amend them and email to directors for approval.
3. Sidewalks: Ken contacted Len to request hedge be removed. They will leave it as the only barrier to the drop-off there, but have acknowledged our concerns re: sidewalk width and increasing the overall standards for sidewalks along Riverside. Ken wishes to solicit a mandate from residents at the AGM, and if positive, will start the push in March. Action: Bob to send Ken copies of his records on the historical sidewalk proposal for the area.
4. January Newsletter: The newsletter should go out the beginning of February. It will contain the Constitution and By-laws, a list of Board candidates, and an appeal for input from residents on “Sidewalks” before launching a campaign. Action: Michele to finalize By-laws, Ken to write the Sidewalk blurb, Bill to format the newsletter, Phil to print newsletter and envelopes, everyone to send it out.
5. Neighbourhood Sign: We received quotes of $3800 for the carved cedar sign versus $2000 for the painted plywood sign. Everyone agreed we must push for the cedar version. Charlene has allotted $2000 to us from last year’s money. It was felt we should be able to get the equivalent amount from this year in order to obtain the cedar sign. Residents could supply the labour and posts to put up the sign as our contribution to go along with the District money. Action: Bill to call Charlene to negotiate the cedar sign funding. Michele to contact Cameron to get a complete graphic for the entire sign, so that Ken can make contact with adjacent residents. Bill to give Ken the phone number for the absentee owners of the corner property for contact. Michele to coordinate work parties when required.
6. Riverside Terrace: The owners would like to meet with the Board to discuss this property. Action: Bill to check Phil’s availability and set up meeting for Jan. 20th or 21st.
7. Traffic Committee: Michele reported that we had the Speed van in the area at least once, and the use of the stationary speed indicator apparatus for several days. The next meeting is the 15th.
Next meeting: Wednesday, February 5th, 7:30 p.m. at Phil’s.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.