Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting
October 9, 2002
2403 Riverside Drive
Meeting called to order 7:40 p.m. Absent :Phil Holland
1. Acceptance of Minutes. Moved: Bob Second: Harry Carried unanimously.
2. Riverside Terrace. The Information Meeting on Oct. 4th was attended by approximately 25 residents, with others coming to sign the petition. Several residents took petitions and canvassed their immediate area for signatures. On October 7th, Bill presented the “Petition to Remove Riverside Terrace from the Seymour Local Plan” with 276 resident signatures to Council. Subsequent emails indicate that the Chair of the SLP Committee, Eric Andersen, will now recommend that the property be left residential or that a change of land- use designation request be for Parkland rather than Commercial. Bill has responded that a change to parkland would be unrealistic (strongly opposed by the owners), and that the Seymour Valley would be satisfied with it remaining as residential, and that any mention of it in the SLP be deleted. Action: Bill will continue to monitor the situation. When a definite result is reached, we will try to inform the residents by emails and by another sign in the same location as the Information Meeting sign.
3. Traffic Committee. A new Traffic Committee meeting was held on October 2nd at which Ann Solheim was elected as the new Chair. A signage proposal was approved by the Committee and endorsed by the Board member’s Harry and Michele. There will be improved 50kph and “no through road” signs, as well as the two curves being marked. The committee also requested that 40kph advisory signs not be used due to the sensitivity of the speed limit sign history. In addition, they recommended “No parking” signs be placed on both sides of the 1st blind curve (using the old posts). Steve and Jay will investigate parameters for our own “Community Speed Watch Program” using the SVCA radar gun and identifying signs. The Committee is looking for volunteers. Ken put his name forward.
4. Rock-Crusher Noise. In response to the SVCA letter regarding the noise from the crushing operation across the river, the District has sent a letter to the City of North Vancouver requesting they cease operation of the equipment as of October 2nd as it contravenes the CM (cemetery) zoning’s permitted uses. Some noise has still been heard. The City of North Vancouver may not be so quick to oblige as it is in effect their City works yard and they have signed a lease with Wild & Sons. Action: Michele will monitor the situation to see if any dismantling of the operation is occurring.
5. Garbage Bins. Special Bear Bins at the end of Riverside Drive have generated complaints about the smell. Apparently they are used more for doggie pooh and not emptied frequently. Bill has requested that they be cleaned out twice a week during the warm seasons. He will investigate better location possibilities.
6. Variance Permits. Copies of Seymour Valley Variance and Subdivision Permits are now being sent to the SVCA. These will be discussed at meeting to determine what response should be made on our community’s behalf.
7. Admission to Board Meetings. Bill opened discussion on opening up admittance to Board Meetings to interested resident members of the Seymour Valley Community Association. Some limitations on talk time, and numbers attending would have to be resolved. It was agreed that the website would indicate the time and place of meetings and that they were open to members only by phoning to book their attendance. Each topic will have a finite time limit for member input before the Board voted on an item. Some topics may require part of the meeting to be held in camera. Location may be changed to accommodate large numbers. New Business. Bill attended the meeting on Natural Parkland designations and indicated the SVCA’s support for that initiative. Michele raised the concern of some residents from Rivergrove who do not want pathways constructed across the steep lands behind their homes under the ridge. Action: Bill should clarify our position as wanting the greenbelt designation for district lands between Riverside and Blueridge properties, but that it remain natural (not part of any trail system around the Valley).
Ken raised the issue of Riverside Sidewalks again, particularly with regard to the portion caving in by 2044 Riverside. Ken made a Motion that: A letter should be sent from the SVCA to the District requesting repairs at this site. Second: Michele. Carried unanimously. Action: Ken to draft letter.
It was generally agreed that a campaign to get wide cements sidewalks up Riverside be the next focus of the Board. It appears that some past promises on installing sidewalks was never followed through. Proper sidewalks are needed now more than ever since our area has become popular for recreational and tourist interest. Ken agreed to lead the “Sidewalk Committee”. Action: Bill will send Ken the cost information on sidewalks received from Donna Howes earlier this year. Ken will obtain from Phil any research on the history of the sidewalks initiatives and resident levies, and search his own documentation for relevant information. Ken will organize a Sidewalk Committee to begin work on a draft proposal to the District.
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 6th, at 7:30 p.m. at 2403 Riverside Drive.