Minutes of the SVCA Board Meeting
May 8, 2002
Meeting called to order at 7:15 p.m. Absent: Ken Reid, Phil Holland, Andrew Karlstrom
Willy Schurmann attended to give the Board an update on the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve Draft Management Plan. Willy explained the emphasis on conservation and protection of the area, along with increased trails and recreational use. The process is well along but is fairly transparent, and the participation by local groups is broad in scope and encouraged. One concern raised was the increased pressure on parking in our area as a result of broader recreational use in the LSCR. It was noted that Riverside Drive is mentioned in Biking books as a prime destination, which is already having some impact on our neighbourhood. Water main replacement of Seymour #5 is ongoing under Lilloet Road, and that the 2 mains under Riverside Drive will eventually become obsolete (2008?). It was agreed that Willy complete the LSCR Feedback Survey on behalf of the SVCA.
Willy then left the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Bob moved the Adoption of the Minutes of March 27th. Second: Harry. Carried.
Michele opened the topic of communications and protocol for general discussion. She was concerned that motions were not been taken seriously in that there was lack of follow through or implementation once the Board decided on a course of action. Also, that out of courtesy, all directors should inform the Chair if they would be late or were unable to attend a meeting. Bob moved that an “Action List” be added to the bottom of the minutes so all could see what was required of them, and that the list should be reviewed as part or the subsequent meeting to provide continuity. Second: Sher Carried.
Michele gave the Traffic Committee update. (Andrew was absent due to illness).
After a letter to Irwin Torry at District Hall, a Speed Van attended on lower Riverside Drive on May 1st. However, Michele was unable to obtain data results of that session, and the RCMP contacts have now reversed their position, and indicated they do not wish to work with our volunteers as set out in the proposal to Community Policing. Ann is still working on signage. Bill informed everyone that 2 traffic counters had been reinstalled recently, and he would be obtaining more data from these.
Also, two members of the Traffic Committee were working on two issues on their own, without attending meetings or consulting with the Committee or even the Chair. It was agreed that this undermined the team approach and our ability to bring the neighbourhood together. As well, it put several Directors in a difficult position of having to answer residents’ queries about a radar gun being used about which they knew nothing. While a radar gun may be a useful tool to meet the Traffic Committee objectives, there has been no group discussion about how best to use it and the information gathered with it. Moved by Harry that Andrew should again attempt to open up the lines of communication and encourage these two members to cooperate toward our common goals. Second: Michele Carried.
Harry reported that the Seymour Valley OCP covers a large area, and is now in draft form to be presented to Council on May 13th. He will endeavour to get a copy once it is released. There was a concern raised about a senior’s development in the gravel pits lot off Riverside Drive. The Inter-River OCP is in final draft. The Maplewood OCP has been rejected. He may be able to have a District Staff member explain the implications and overlaps to the SVCA directors at a future meeting.
Next Meeting at Harry’s at 1192 Riverside Drive, on June 12th, at 7:15 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
From March 27th and May 8th
Bill -circulate final revision of Constitution and By-laws for approval next meeting.
Bill -circulate to directors an email draft of message to newly sanctioned SVCA representatives making reference to Article X to explain the parameters of their role, for email approval by directors before sending on to the representatives.
Michele -circulate to directors the Minutes and Action List for next meeting.
Andrew -seek cooperation and commitment from Traffic Committee members who are currently working outside the loop.
Harry -obtain draft copy of the Seymour OCP and establish a contact at District Hall.
All directors: please confirm your attendance on June 12th with the Chair.