of North Vancouver Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Program and Procedures
Hamilton Associates was selected to prepare the program
and procedures for the provision of traffic calming devices in neighbourhoods
throughout the District of North Vancouver. Our expertise in neighbourhood
traffic management and traffic operations was useful in developing a policy that
is sensitive to residents' needs yet functional from a traffic mobility
Calming Studies - City of Coquitlam and City of New Westminter
Hamilton Associates has undertaken numerous neighbourhood traffic calming
studies that involved the development of solutions to maintain the livability of
neighbourhoods, and extensive public consultation with residents. In Coquitlam,
we conducted the study for the Lower Lougheed, Dolphin Street, Baker Drive,
Hickey Drive, and King Albert / Harversley Avenue neighbourhoods. In New
Westminster, we completed the studies for the Kelvin South, Brow of the Hill and
Connaught Heights Neighbourhoods. Public meetings and open houses, neighbourhood
mailings, and newspaper advertisements were used during the course of these
studies to obtain public input and disseminate information.