Minutes of the Seymour Escarpment Committee Meeting
February 24, 2005
DNV Hall, 355 W Queens Rd, Meeting Room B
Meeting called to order
2. Private Committee: Patrick argued that the committee should be separated from the community associations which founded it so that it can keep information private. Bill argued that the committee has been formed by the SVCA and BCA to resolve long term slope stability issues on the Seymour Escarpment and the best way to do this is through a public committee which represents the larger community.
4. Piezometers: These devices measuring water pressure / levels in the soil are being installed on the top edge of the escarpment. They will assist the district in determining the next set of residents to return to their homes. It is predicted that 6 homes will be returning in 2 weeks. The piezometers will also form an early warning system during heavy rainfall periods.
5. Blueridge feeling abandoned: Dave feels that he is not getting enough information from the district. Building inspectors have visited his home to check his drain tile.
6. Yahoo group: Russ has set up a Seymour Escarpment yahoo group for private group communication.
9. Storm Sewers: The district is required to bring storm sewer connections to the property line. The owner is required to hook up from there. Many properties don't have a storm sewer connection at the property line (indicated by the red lines on the utility map).
10. Plumbing Card: To find out all permitted plumbing connections to a property you can go to the District Engineering Department and request the plumbing card for that property.
11. Bylaws: Remedial work needing to be done must follow bylaws which are enforced by orders from the district. An owner must then comply within the specified time. Owners which do not comply can be fined or taken to court. Bylaw 6515 - "Environmental Protection and Preservation Bylaw" covers sloping terrain and trees. Bylaw 6656 - "Sewer Bylaw" covers drainage.
12. Motion: There was discussion of a motion made by Alec Ritchie and seconded by Dave Everwin. It is a 3 part motion which had support in principal. It was felt that it would not be prudent to take a vote on the motion until the exact wording was provided. No determination was made as to who was tasked with providing the exact wording. This is to be brought forward again at the next meeting.
13. Geotechnical report: There was discussion that the Klohn-Leonoff report had been based on visual inspections and that the next report would require more detailed inspections. It was also stated that the geotechnical model used for the previous report would require review since the property that slid was rated in a lower risk category than other properties that experienced no visible sliding. The classifications used in that report were very low risk, low risk, and moderate risk.